Venice Shark's Teeth at Beach
Venice, FL US
Uploaded By Scott (webmaster)
Uploaded on Friday, January 22, 2021 at 01:58:54 PM

Viewed 485 times

Location Type: Public Access
From this site: "", fossils can be found at the beach.  They say: "If you go a little to the south of Sarasota in the coastal area of Venice, you will be directly above a fossil layer between 18 and 35 feet in depth. You will most likely see a lot of people walking up and down the beach looking for shiny black shark teeth in the sand. If you are interested in quicker results, there is a drop-off ledge where the waves are breaking right at the edge of the water. You can either wade out into the water just a couple of feet or reach down to scoop up handfuls of the sand. You can use either your hands, a simple kitchen strainer or a shovel."At the beach area, south of the Pier.
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