Duxbury serpentine quarry
Duxbury, VT US
Uploaded By Brian
Uploaded on Friday, October 16, 2009 at 08:24:02 PM

Viewed 11299 times

Location Type: Public Access
"Serpentine, talc, tremolite, actinolite — “Verde Antique” was quarried here. Magnetite octahedra (up to ½"in diameter in chlorite schist), well-formed dolomite crystals, and calcite that fluoresces pink have been found here." - This information was found on Nuggetfever.com as well as a very concise list of collecting locations in Vermont. Also go to the website for details about collecting in Vermont and guidelines to follow."From Waterbury, go south on Route 100 for 8 miles to Harwood Union High School. 0.3 past school cross a small bridge, turn right onto uphill dirt road. Continue 0.3 miles, pass auto graveyard on right to a trail heading left, and park. Walk up trail past a tailings pile and turn right where path meets another trail that leads to the quarry." - This information was found on Nuggetfever.com as well as a very concise list of collecting locations in Vermont. Also go to the website for details about collecting in Vermont and guidelines to follow.
GPS Coordinates (lat,long): ( 44°14'53.55"N, 72°47'34.90"W)
or (44.248208, -72.793027)
Google Map: (The GPS marker is supposed to be exact.)
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Reference Info: Nuggetfever.com
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