Perkinsville Agate
Perkinsville, AZ US
Uploaded By Scott (webmaster)
Uploaded on Wednesday, December 23, 2009 at 03:08:23 PM

Viewed 10999 times

Location Type: Public Access
You can find general agate at this location according to this website. I suggest going there for more details and safety precautions. There is a picture of the rocks found. Here are the directions from the website:
"From Interstate 40 at Williams take exit 161 and head south. From this point drive 1.4 miles and turn right onto South 4th Street. You will be travelling south on this paved road winding through Ponderosa Pine and then down into the Verde Valley. At 24.5 miles (just past Drake Road) the pavement will end, then at 2.9 miles you will come to a fork, bear right. At 5.5 miles you will cross a bridge that crosses the Verde River. (very scenic area) 6.9 miles past the bridge park along the side of the road. Here you will find agate scattered along the hillside and an old pit mine at the end of a faint road to the west of where you parked. (about .5 miles up the hill from the main road)". I'm not even going to try to find that spot on Google Earth.
Google Map: (The GPS marker is only marking the nearest city.)
Follow this Link to Get Google's Directions

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