Banded Chert Under Highway 21 Bridge
Berryville, AR US
Uploaded By Scott (webmaster)
Uploaded on Wednesday, January 6, 2010 at 03:43:49 PM

Viewed 8947 times

Location Type: Public Access
There was nearly no water in the creek when I passed by here in late december trying to find another location. I saw all of the rocks in the creek and had to stop. I found a lot of banded chert that seemed very common to the area. I'm going to see if they take a polish. They had some neat patterns. There is possibly some marble onyx there also. The geodes were really crappy. The chert most had white, black, and tan lines. Some had redish tints to them. I'll post pictures soon.Take Highway 21 north of Berryville around 6-8 miles towards Cosmic Cavern (thought cavern came after spot but not sure). After the rode curves 90 degrees towards east after the town of Urbanette, then the bridge will be less than a mile right after Country Road 421 (CR 421). Park onto the Country Road and walk to the creek or pass the bridge and park off the side.
GPS Coordinates (lat,long): ( 36°25'55.71"N, 93°30'49.45"W)
or (36.432141, -93.513736)
Google Map: (The GPS marker is supposed to be exact.)
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