Deer Creek Jade in Oso
Oso, WA US
Uploaded By Scott (webmaster)
Uploaded on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 at 08:38:07 PM

Viewed 10759 times

Location Type: Public Access
You can find more details from the Travel Channel Treasure Wiki website for Washington (page 2) at this webpage: It says: "General description:Jade, hydrogrossular garnet

Handy to bring along: 1.Spray bottle 2.bucket 3.rock pick 4. Serpentinite detection kit (i.e. an old pocket knife and a good magnet)

Helpful notes to newcomers:Easiest access is under the bridge. Most areas along the bottom of the creek are private property, so be respectful. Altho the locals seem to be friendly to rock hounds. There is an individual who runs tours up the creek for a fee, though he may be retiring from that endeavor soon. Rock clubs also make Deer Creek a site for the group outings often. Don't lick the rocks! Deer creek had a problem with old septic tanks, so parts of the lowest areas of the creek still smell a little funny at times, especially around the old rail bridge. But the areas past most of the settled land are fine for swimming . The creek is regulated for any collecting other than unassisted rockhounding. That is, no backhoes! JadeJunkee's profile and pages are devoted to finding the green stuff in Washington, more information can be found there"
You can find more details from the Travel Channel Treasure Wiki website for Washington (page 2) at this webpage: It says: "How to get there: Mapquest Link: "B" = bridge "C" = Lake Cavanaugh Rd. with other possible access points(with permission) as well as being the route from Mount Vernon. On the other side of the creek there is an area that is public access (i.e. not private land) where the road runs up against the creek (Mapquestlink), but parking is limited to pulling over on the grass, and you have to wade across the creek to get to the gravel bars. Further stretches of the upper creek are difficult to access Fs 17 and 18, when not snowed in, are good starting points, but the jade bearing gravels are a bit lower down the creek. There are also some logging roads (gated private) around the Lake Cavanaugh area that could be exploited to gain access to the upper reaches, but we are talking a hike here. The very upper creek doesn't seem to be jade bearing at all (though I could be wrong). Access would be by 17/18 as above, at the bridge across the creek, but the terrain is steep, not a fun outing. There are suppose to be old jade and hydrogrossular mines somewhere above and along deer creek, but their location is unknown to me right now, though I don't believe there are any current claims. However if you see a claim post, respect it. It is a felony to collect on them!"
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