Jones Mill Quarry (Martin Marietta quarry)
Jones Mill, AR US
Uploaded By Scott (webmaster)
Uploaded on Monday, October 10, 2011 at 11:16:36 AM

Viewed 7595 times

Location Type: Private Property

For clubs and schools only!!!  This quarry is near to the edge of Magnet Cove, so it has reported many micro minerals as well as crystal pockets.  They will give tours (and collecting) to universities and clubs but they prefer only 2-4 people and during the weekdays.  They may make exceptions for universities.  They require hard hats, protective eyewear, jeans, and at least leather shoes but preferably steel toe boots.  Collecting is allowed between 8am and 3pm normally during the weekdays but you must give TWO WEEKS NOTICE!    There is a waiver to sign and strict rules to follow.  For tours call Doug Morin
Assistant Plant Manager

We were first taken to the upper area of the quarry where there was nepheline syenite (or granite) which had probably the best chance for microminerals, but was not productive.  Look for white on the rocks.  The other area we toured was the pit in shale/limestone which is the favorite area.  There was plentiful pyrite and purple fluorite of specimen grade, and some cases pyrite cubes or quartz or calcite pockets.

On highway 270 coming west from I-30 near Malvern, take a right after several miles past highway 51 intersection.  Look for the Martin Marietta aggregates sign and the quarry.  Stop at the visitor check in at the office.
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