west of Payson - agate etc.
Payson, AZ US
Uploaded By Scott (webmaster)
Uploaded on Wednesday, December 21, 2011 at 10:35:13 AM

Viewed 8566 times

Location Type: Public Access
Here is what the source says: "W 4.8 mi. past high school and
country club to S-trending dim road (parallel to main road, unmarked), then W 1 mi. onto
North Peak Trail (on N) with Cypress Thicket due W, both sides of trail for 1½ mi.: gem
agate, jasper and septarian nodules"
It was hard to tell from Google Earth where the place would be, but it looks like you would take "Doll Baby Ranch Rd." to the west of town.
Google Map: (The GPS marker is only marking the nearest city.)
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Reference Info: "A Location Guide for Rockhounds in the United States" Collected by Robert C. Beste, 2005, Volume 1, page 22
Extra Notes: