Paint Rock River Valley
Trenton, AL US
Uploaded By Scott (webmaster)
Uploaded on Tuesday, August 11, 2009 at 09:40:42 AM

Viewed 10613 times

Location Type: Private Property
Some of this might be on private land, and some on public. Go to the Travel Channel Treasure Wiki Alabama page for more details. Here is the general description of what can be found: "Location #1: The Paint Rock River Valley Paint Rock Agate is found at the interface of the upper Mississippian limestone and the Pennsylvanian sandstone on the steep sides of the Cumberland Plateau.The sandstone weathers at a faster rate than the limestone and therefore a bench general forms at the interface. The agate can be found free of the limestone matrix but at the origin it is often found locked in the limestone. Permission must be obtained to prospect from the local landowners. This is the South so politeness and respect for property is expected. Many landowners will allow rock collecting but don't ask to hunt deer. Paint Rock is a highly colored (red, yellow, pink, and some green) agate with fortifications, moss, flame and plume. It is found as nodules and in seams. Helpful notes to newcomers: Some nice agate can be found in the streams which is more accessible than the steep mountain climbs. In fact wading in the cool streams and searching gravel bars is great fun. For the physically challenged this is the best bet. Handy to bring along: 1 Shovel and a pick 2.Rock Bag 3.Water !! Bad mistake if you forget the water. 4.Good hiking boots 5. Long pants if you don't want to be cut with briers.""How to get there: Turn north at the town of Paint Rock off HWY 72 onto HWY 65. The best area is around Trenton. Search both sides of the mountains and the gravel bars in the streams. I found beautiful red carnelian pieces in the Paint Rock River. "
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